lunes, 10 de junio de 2019


I have not written any book yet, altough it's one of my dreams. Someday I will have done a good book and I'll try to publish it. I have done a lot of short stories but I am not ready to do nothing else.

Resultado de imagen de libro

I have never learnt to play "Seven Nation Army" on guitar yet, but I will practise every day until I will have learnt all the song. Marga has said that she would teach me, and I am waiting for it.

Resultado de imagen de seven nation army

I have not met any girl as bad as Jennifer. She has killed kittens and puppies.

Resultado de imagen de girl killing puppies

I have read a book called "Lazarillo de Tormes". I liked it a lot because it was written in 1554. It talks about a young orphan boy, who has to work for a blind man, a priest and a nobleman, between others.

Resultado de imagen de lazarillo de tormes

I have travelled to Paris. Me and my familiy were going to Brussels, and we stopped there to see Eiffel Tower. It was at night and all the lights of the tower were lit, and it was very beautiful.

Resultado de imagen de eiffel

I have finished the first season of my favoutite TV series: "Vis a vis". My favourite character is Rizos, because of her personality and character. I could not finish the second season and that makes me very sad :(

Resultado de imagen de vis a vis

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